Wall covering
Escort Decowood
Escort Decowood
- Accessibility
- Round handrail
Product description
Wood effect handrail combining warmth of wood with safety in corridors and stairways
Fire rating
- Bs2d0
Warmth of wood without the drawbacks of maintenance and resistance
Closer and accessories matched with the PVC wood finish profile
Modularity: 17 accessories, technical solutions for stairs and service ducts
Fight against bacteria thanks to bactericidal joints and antibacterial smooth aterial
Recycling rate
- 100%
TVOC after 28 days
- < 15 µg/m3 µg/m3
Interior Designer
Technical and environmental specifications
Value NCS 4020-Y40R LRV 23.8 -
Value Reaction to fire Bs2d0 -
Value Recycling rate 100% TVOC after 28 days with unit < 15 µg/m3 µg/m3
Technical and environmental documents
ESCORT_Angle 3D orientable 80 a 180° PVC antibacterien.jpg
ESCORT_Angle interne-externe 90° PVC antibacterien.jpg
ESCORT_Angle interne-externe 90 a 165° sur mesur PVC antibacterien.jpg
ESCORT_Angle raccord pente 90 a 160° PVC antibacterien.jpg
ESCORT_Bouchon plat PVC antibacterien.jpg
ESCORT_Clavette a demontage rapide aluminium - vis blocage 6 pans.jpg
ESCORT_Bouchon rond PVC antibacterien.jpg
ESCORT_Clavette a demontage rapide aluminium - vis moletees.jpg
ESCORT_Clavette reperage tactile aluminium.jpg
ESCORT_Coude raccord de pente PVC antibacterien.jpg
ESCORT_Embout retournant au mur PVC antibacterien.jpg
ESCORT_Jonction articulee PVC antibacterien.jpg
ESCORT_Piece de jonction noire.jpg
ESCORT_Rondelle d'appui.jpg
ESCORT_Support ajoure aluminium.jpg
ESCORT_Support ajoure autobloquant aluminium.jpg
ESCORT_Support col de cygne.jpg
ESCORT_Support galbe aluminium.jpg
ESCORT_Support galbe autobloquant aluminium.jpg
ESCORT_Support plein anti-pendaison aluminium.jpg
ESCORT_Support plein autobloquant aluminium.jpg
ESCORT_Support plein double hauteur aluminium.jpg